Friday, January 15, 2010

The beginning of anxiety....part 2

The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety. George E. Muelle

So true - but someone recently reminded me that unless you have gone through extreme panic and anxiety disorder, faith doesn't seem to even begin to cover it! Those who suffer anxiety disorder and other struggles such as deep depression etc, truly face a battle many of us could not even begin to imagine.

I was recently sent these insightful comments in response to this Blog entry... so well said I wanted to share it with you.....

I just have to tell you that I reeeaalllly like your recent blog. I read statements like the one you opened with and instantly feel a sense of condemnation as I am one of those silent sufferers you speak of. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder 2 years ago, and honestly it was a relief to shine a light on it... understanding brings power to change your circumstances. Obviously, for a long time I've lived with symptoms of anxiety, and believing comments like that statement, and therefore feeling a little more defeated every time which ultimately led me to depression. Now, I know that its not my lack of faith, or that I'm not a good enough christian, but have a genetic disposition towards feeling symptoms of stress - migranes, panic attacks, constriction, the feeling of not being able to relax, and constantly tired because of the adrenaline always running thru my system. It was a relief to know that I can change things, get help, understanding, and take the pressure off trying to force myself to stop having these feelings! As you can see, for the most part, for me I don't believe its a spiritual anxiety, and therefore I can 'feel' anxiety but still be living in a state of spiritual faith. I understand that my faith is also a critical element to overcoming, but I think that in my situation, it will be my 'good fight' and something I will be dealing with throughout my life.

I actually feel that its been good to have gone thru the experiences and dealing with this issue, because its something that a lot of people struggle with yet, its not truly understood unless you've walked thru it. Its not based on circumstances, and often you struggle with guilt for feeling bad when life couldn't be better... I know I can relate to people others can't, but I just wanted to let you know that you have hit the mark! And by doing so, the very people you are trying to reach and speak too, will open up and come out, rather that be pushed back into the darkness of the torment and guilt of not being able to be so 'black and white'.

Faith and Anxiety - Spiritual opposites to some - to others a physical and spiritual condition that can be experienced at the same time. The flesh and the spirit are always struggling for control, its a matter of understanding which you feed, and not beating yourself up in the process.

Hope I've shed a little light on my little world, and encouraged you in the process...

End Comment

I hope this is encouraging for those who are facing this difficult battle of faith... Your not alone we stand with you.

I would encourage others to share their testimonies here as well by adding a comment below.

We fight the fight of faith together. Please, be encouraged not to face fear and uncertainty alone.

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