Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The leadership factor

Ive been thinking about leadership lately, here are some of my thoughts, some of the factors that go into making great leaders.

1 The self factor – Self leadership, how you manage your personal world

2 The team factor - leadership must maintain and manage a team culture.

3 The effect factor - leadership has an effect. It must produce something, change something for the better. Leadership produces outcomes.

4 The Talent factor – Leadership harnesses and understands the strength and weaknesses of its potential or gift set and helps others do the same.

5 The Communication factor - your speech affects everything you're trying to achieve, you must say it and display it clearly.

6 The Conflict factor – how conflict is resolved, kills or gives longevity to all potential

7 The Influence factor – Leadership IS influence, we persuade others by our preaching conversation, actions and integrity.

8 The People factor – if influence doesn’t affect people it's not leadership at all, people must always be the reason we do what we do.

9 The diversity factor – Embracing diversity, everyone will differ in gifting and gifting develops constantly, manage this change and growth.

10 The Creativity & Innovation factor – the gifts you do have are from heaven, designed by God to enrich the Kingdom not yours to use simply for personal gain.

11 The R factor – Resilience, leadership is for life, Relationships are the fuel & Respect releases its strength

12 The fire factor - Releasing the fire, maintaining PASSION, stir up the gift

13 The Revelation factor - Rhema in Ephesians 6 is the weapon we use, the revealed word of God, alive in you.

14 The Risk factor – Gideon had to go from hiding, to doing something that would have national significance. Leadership is always about risk.

15 The opinion factor – crafting or shaping your point of view. Paul said that we all think the same thing

16 The rapport factor - Building rapport is affecting people deeply.

17 The emotion factor - Maintain composure at all times, present yourself in a way that builds confidence in others.

18 The Openness factor – always look for feedback , love it and seek it out

19 The surrender factor - Let go, surrender to God daily

20 The Calling factor – You will never last in any form of leadership until you know it’s what you're supposed to do, not just what you want to do.

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